Construcción: "Solamente el curso posterior del análisis nos faculta para decidir si nuestras construcciones son correctas o inútiles. No pretendemos que una construcción sea más que una conjetura que espera examen, confirmación o rechazo. No pretendemos estar en lo cierto, no exigimos una aceptación... ni discutimos una negación. En resumen, nos comportamos como una figura familiar en una de las farsas de Nestroy: el criado que sólo tiene una respuesta en sus labios para toda pregunta u objeción: «Todo se aclarará en el curso de los acontecimientos futuros.»

domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

Naturaleza también Proyecta (agua)

The building of the Ark by Noah, so far as you will allow it a human work, was the first project I read of; and, no question, seemed so ridiculous to the graver heads of that wise, though wicked, age that poor Noah was sufficiently bantered for it: and, had he not been set on work by a very peculiar direction from heaven, the good old man would certainly have been laughed out of it as a most senseless ridiculous project.
The building of Babel was a right project; for indeed the true definition of a project, according to modern acceptation, is, as is said before, a vast undertaking, too big to be managed, and therefore likely enough to come to nothing. And yet, as great as they are, it is certainly true of them all, even as the projectors propose: that, according to the old tale, if so many eggs are hatched, there will be so many chickens, and those chickens may lay so many eggs more, and those eggs produce so many chickens more, and so on. Thus it was most certainly true that if the people of the Old World could have built a house up to heaven, they should never be drowned again on earth, and they only had forgot to measure the height; that is, as in other projects, it only miscarried, or else it would have succeeded.
And yet, when all is done, that very building, and the incredible height it was carried, is a demonstration of the vast knowledge of that infant age of the world, who had no advantage of the experiments or invention of any before themselves.

“Thus when our fathers, touched with guilt,
That huge stupendous staircase built;
We mock, indeed, the fruitless enterprise
(For fruitless actions seldom pass for wise),
But were the mighty ruins left, they’d show
To what degree that untaught age did know.”

(Daniel DeFoe, History of projects)
(terremoto en Chile :puerto de Talcahuano: tsunami dejó barcos sobre tierra; 1500000 viviendas destruidas -pero 400 veces menos muertos qe en Haití)
proyectiles naturales, proyecciones humanas (periodismo&demagogia)

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